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A tour of transistors
I guess my problem with almost every proper electronics text is that when they get to transistors, they cover a bunch of deep details and my eyes always glaze over and I never could quite grasp about how to solve the problems I actually wanted to solve. I'm going to mostly skip to the end here, to…


An introduction to LED strips
Let's take a brief adventure to the strip mall and highlight some of the things you might find there! (This was a side street off of Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi where LEDs are sold) Christmas lights, made as a series of incandescent bulbs, hit the market a long long time ago. Obviously people put…


By the determination of the FCC, I am extra (but you knew that already)
I passed all three levels of Amateur Radio written exams today, in one sitting, because of one of my spouse's friends. Passing all three is maybe unusual, but there's a story behind this and maybe some things to think about. Like, for example, why did I just swallow a giant gumball of knowledge…


The iWiss SN-01BM crimper and Molex Micro-Fit 3.0 connector
tl;dr: With the iWiss SN-01BM, I am finding that I can get a decently sturdy connection on JST-XH, JST-SH, JST-SM, and Molex Micro-Fit 3.0, where the audience at the Bay Area Maker Faire spent three days futzing with some Micro-Fit 3.0 connectors I crimped and didn't break them. A lot of hobbyist…


Step 6: A CAN do attitude
Manta M8P plus CM4 cooling What I really want to do is mount a fan to directly cool the stepper drivers and a second fan to directly cool the Raspberry Pi. So I found one mod that mounts a 40mm fan on the CM4 module and a second mod that mounts a 5015 blower fan in a air duct for the steppers…